Catatan Pengantar :
perkembangan gejolak Papua saat ini, ternyata tidak semata-mata dilatari
kekecewaan para aktivis Papua merdeka atas ketertinggalan pembangunan di Tanah
Papua dalam berbagai aspek. Buktinya, jika benar itu penyebabnya, mestinya
dengan gencarnya perhatian Pemerintah Pusat melalui Otonomi Khusus dan
pelibat-gandaan dana yang dikucurkan untuk membangun wilayah itu dalam 10 tahun
terakhir, gejolak itu akan hilang, atau setidaknya berkurang.
Tapi faktanya? Tuntutan merdeka dan aksi-aksi gerilyawan
bersenjata justru meningkat berbanding lurus dengan perhatian Negara dan
besarnya dana yang dikucurkan. Gerakan para aktivis Papua saat ini tidak lagi
hanya sekedar bermain di permukaan dengan aksi-aksi damai, long march, dan demo
jalanan, tetapi telah merangsek ke “akar pohon”. Yakni, gerakan mengembalikan
status politik wilayah Papua ke titik nol, lalu meminta REFERENDUM.
Untuk itu maka sejarah integrasi Papua ke dalam wilayah
kedaulatan NKRI harus digugat. Karena menurut mereka, peristiwa politik
internasional terkait integrasi Papua yang terjadi sejak tahun 1949 (Konverensi
Meja Bundar), New York Agreement 1962, PEPERA 1969 hingga Sidang Umum PBB 19
November 1969 yang menghasilkan Resolusi No. 2504 adalah ilegal, dan karenanya
harus digugat ke Mahkamah Internasional.
Untuk tujuan itu, tahun 2008 lalu mereka telah membentuk
perkumpulan pengacara internasional (International Lawyer for West Papua /
ILWP) yang bermarkas di London, menggalang dukungan parlemen dari berbagai negara
(International Parliement for West Papua / IPWP) serta meningkatkan aktivitas
gerakan di Tanah Papua melalui sayap politik (antara lain melalui pembentukan
parlemen daerah) dan sayap militer (TPN-OPM).
Kita ingat, beberapa hari yang lalu di Pengadilan Negeri
Jayapura, Forkorus Yaboisembut, terdakwa kasus makar yang dipilih menjadi
‘presiden negara federasi papua barat’ oleh sebuah forum yang mereka sebut
konverensi rakyat papua-III, kepada wartawan yang meliput sidang itu mengatakan
bahwa dirinya memiliki 35 pengacara dalam dan luar negeri. Di antaranya ada
enam pengacara internasional yang bermarkas di Brussel. Tugas pengacara
internasional itu adalah memberitahukan dan mendaftarkan negara Federal
Republik Papua Barat (yang diproklamirkan oleh Forkorus dkk pada 19 Oktober
2011 itu) ke PBB, serta menggugat aneksasi negeri Papua Barat ke Mahkamah
Kita tidak tahu dokumen sejarah mana yang akan mereka
gunakan untuk mendukung dalil hukum mereka di Mahkamah Internasional kelak.
Namun sebagai bangsa, kita percaya bahwa Pemerintah Negeri ini dengan semua
perangkat yang dimilikinya, tidak akan tinggal diam untuk menjaga KEDAULATAN wilayah NKRI dari Sabang sampai Merauke,
dari Talaud sampau ke Rote. Bagi kita, bergabungnya wilayah Papua ke dalam NKRI
adalah melalui proses integrasi yang demokratis serta sudah sesuai mekanisme
hukum internasional yang berlaku saat itu. Dan itu sama sekali jauh berbeda
dengan apa yang mereka tuduhkan sebagai aneksasi.
Agar kita tidak terjebak dalam skenario “bualan politik”
para aktivis Papua, berikut ini saya bagikan dokumen resmi Perserikatan
Bangsa-Bangsa tentang sejarah integrasi (bukan sejarah aneksasi) Papua ke dalam
NKRI, yang saya copas dari situs resmi PBB :
Mengingat panjangnya dokumen tersebut, saya akan turunkan
secara bertahap sebagai bahan referensi para Kompasianer, sekaligus untuk
menjaga semangat nasionalisme kita sebagai sebuah bangsa yang sudah 67 tahun
berdaulat yang bernama Republik Indonesia.
Historical background
(sudah dipublikasikan pada bagian 1)
Establishment of UNSF
With the cessation of hostilities, the next step was to
ensure the maintenance of law and order in the territory. In addition to
supervising the observer team, General Rikhye had been charged with making
preliminary arrangements for the arrival of UNSF.
Article VIII of the Indonesian-Netherlands agreement
stipulated the role and purpose of such a force:
The Secretary-General would provide the UNTEA with such
security forces as the United Nations Administrator deems necessary; such
forces would primarily supplement existing Papuan (West Irianese) police in the
task of maintaining law and order. The Papuan Volunteer Corps, which on the
arrival of the United Nations Administrator would cease being part of the
Netherlands armed forces, and the Indonesian armed forces in the territory,
would be under the authority of, and at the disposal of, the Secretary-General
for the same purpose. The United Nations Administrator would, to the extent
feasible, use the Papuan (West Irianese) police as a United Nations security
force to maintain law and order and, at his discretion, use Indonesian armed forces.
The Netherlands armed forces would be repatriated as rapidly as possible and
while still in the territory will be under the authority of the UNTEA.
UNSF was thus essentially an internal law and security force
C the "police arm" of UNTEA C whose responsibilities would range from
ensuring the smooth implementation of UNTEA's administrative mandate to
supervising the buildup of a viable, local police force.
In the memorandum of understanding on the cessation of
hostilities, it was provided that UNSF would commence its duties as soon as
possible after the General Assembly adopted an enabling resolution, but no
later than 1 October 1962. In fact, the UNSF Commander arrived in West Irian
weeks before the Assembly resolution was passed.
Major-General Said Uddin Khan (Pakistan), appointed by the
Secretary-General as Commander of UNSF, arrived in Hollandia on 4 September for
preliminary discussions with Netherlands authorities and for a survey of future
requirements. Similar efforts had already been exerted to some extent by
General Rikhye, who had been charged earlier with making preliminary
arrangements for the arrival of UNSF. The two men cooperated closely before and
after the establishment of UNSF in West Irian.
UNSF comprised 1,500 Pakistan troops, made available at the
request of the Secretary-General, as were the support units of Canadian and
United States aircraft and crews.
By 3 October, an advance party of 340 men of UNSF had
arrived in the territory. On 5 October, the balance of the Pakistan contingent
took up its positions. Also included in UNSF were some 16 officers and men of
the Royal Canadian Air Force, with two aircraft, and a detachment of
approximately 60 United States Air Force personnel with an average of three
aircraft. These provided troop transport and communications. The Administrator
also had under his authority the Papuan Volunteer Corps, the civil police, the
Netherlands forces until their repatriation, and Indonesian troops, totalling
approximately 1,500.
Establishment of UNTEA
UNSF was created to uphold the authority of UNTEA. Whereas
groundwork for the arrival of UNSF troops had been laid in West Irian prior to
the General Assembly's recognition of the agreement, it was not until Assembly
resolution 1752 (XVII) was adopted that personnel associated with UNTEA were
dispatched. This resolution, which would make the United Nations directly
responsible for the administration of the western half of New Guinea, was
approved by a vote of 89 to none, with 14 abstentions.
In the resolution, the Assembly took note of the agreement
between Indonesia and the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian),
acknowledged the role conferred by it upon the Secretary-General, and
authorized him to carry out the tasks entrusted to him in the agreement.
Upon adoption of the resolution, the Secretary-General noted
that for the first time in its history the United Nations would have temporary
executive authority established by and under the jurisdiction of the
Secretary-General over a vast territory. He dispatched his Deputy Chef de
Cabinet, Mr. José Rolz-Bennett, as his Representative in West New Guinea (West
Irian), where he would make preliminary arrangements for the transfer of
administration to UNTEA. Mr. Rolz-Bennett arrived in the territory on 21 September
1962, the date the enabling resolution was passed.
Under the agreement, neither Dutch nor Indonesian officials
were to hold any of the top administrative positions during the seven-month
transition period. In addition, three quarters of the Dutch civil servants of
lesser rank had decided to leave the territory before 1 October, thereby
creating a vacuum that would have to be filled to prevent a disruption of
essential functions and services. In some instances, this was accomplished by
promoting Papuan officials to the vacant posts. There was, however, a great
shortage of adequately trained Papuans.
Mr. Rolz-Bennett immediately set about assembling an
emergency task force to be deployed in key areas of the administration,
recruiting international as well as Dutch and Indonesian personnel. The
Netherlands Governor of the territory and his senior officials assisted in this
effort; measures were also taken by the Netherlands Government to encourage
Dutch officials to remain and serve the Temporary Executive Authority. In
addition, the Indonesian Government was requested to provide urgently a group
of civil servants to fill certain high-priority posts. This request was made
with a view to the gradual phasing in of Indonesian officials, whose presence
thus facilitated the subsequent transfer of administrative responsibilities to
Indonesia. In all, 32 nationalities were represented in UNTEA, among them both
Dutch and Indonesian personnel.
The transfer of the administration from the Netherlands to
UNTEA took place on 1 October 1962 and, in conformity with article VI of the
agreement and its related aide-mémoire, the United Nations flag was raised and
flown side by side with the Netherlands flag.
Before his departure from the territory on 28 September, the
Netherlands Governor, Mr. Peter Johannis Plateel, appealed to the population to
give its support to the United Nations administration. In messages from the
Secretary-General and from Mr. Rolz-Bennett (who was designated as Temporary
Administrator for approximately six weeks), the population was informed that
UNTEA would endeavour to ensure the welfare of the inhabitants. The Temporary
Administrator signed an order effective 15 October granting amnesty to all
political prisoners sentenced prior to 1 October 1962.
On 1 October, Indonesia and the Netherlands established
liaison missions to UNTEA in Hollandia/Kotabaru. An Australian liaison mission
replaced one which had formerly served in Hollandia/Kotabaru as an
administrative liaison between the authorities of the territory of Papua/New
Guinea and West New Guinea, and now provided effective liaison with UNTEA on
matters of mutual interest.
The United Nations Administrator, Mr. Djalal Abdoh (Iran),
was appointed by the Secretary-General on 22 October 1962, under article IV of
the agreement. On 15 November, he arrived in the territory to take up his
assignment and Mr. Rolz-Bennett returned to Headquarters the following day.
Activities after the
creation of UNTEA
The agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia entrusted
to UNTEA a number of broad powers: to "administer the territory"; to
appoint government officials and members of representative councils; to
legislate for the territory, subject to certain qualifications; and to
guarantee civil liberties and property rights.
![]() |
Para Pejabat UNTEA, UNSF dan Indonesia bertemu sebagai persiapan pengalihan kekuasaan Irian Barat dari UNTEA kepada Indonesia, April 1963. (Dok. Kemenlu) |
Once the international team that comprised UNTEA was
assembled in the capital of the territory, they immediately began to address
the vast economic and social problems facing them.
The very nature of the country presented major difficulties.
Roads were practically non-existent, with a total length estimated at 900
kilometres. There was no other means of land transportation, which made air
transport of all supplies from ports to the hinterland essential. Coupled with
the difficulties of physical movement were problems of communication. Telephone
systems existed only inside the major towns. UNSF was, however, able to tackle
adequately the problems which faced it.
The transfer of authority implied a need to adapt existing
institutions from the Dutch pattern to an Indonesian pattern. The first problem
was to rebuild the officer and inspection cadres which had almost completely
disappeared with the exodus of Dutch officers, and to reinstate a sense of
loyalty and discipline in the rank and file, at the same time keeping the
police service serving the public. The second problem was to reorient the
entire service, substituting the Indonesian language and procedures for those
of the Dutch so that there would be no upheaval when UNTEA handed over the
reins of government to the Republic of Indonesia.
In accordance with the terms of article VII of the
Indonesia-Netherlands agreement, the Papuan Volunteer Corps ceased to be part
of the Netherlands armed forces upon the transfer of administration to UNTEA.
The Corps, consisting of some 350 officers and men, was concentrated at
Manokwari and was not assigned any duties in connection with the maintenance of
law and order. As Dutch officers and non-commissioned officers left the area,
they were replaced by Indonesian officers. This process was completed on 21
January 1963, when the command of the Corps was formally transferred to an
Indonesian officer and the last Dutch officers left the territory. During the
period of UNTEA administration, the Papuan police were generally responsible
for the maintenance of law and order in the territory.
Before the transfer of administration to UNTEA, all the
officers of the police corps were Dutch, there being no qualified Papuans. By
the time UNTEA had assumed responsibility for the territory, almost all
officers of Dutch nationality had left, having been temporarily replaced by
officers from the Philippines who, in turn, were later replaced by Indonesians.
By the end of March 1963, the entire corps was officered by Indonesians.
However, in accordance with the provisions of article IX of the agreement, the
chief of police continued to be an international recruit.
On 1 October 1962, when authority was transferred to UNTEA,
the Indonesian troops in the territory consisted of those who had been brought
in by parachute during the Dutch-Indonesian conflict and those who had
infiltrated the territory. Agreement was reached with the Indonesian
authorities to replace a large number of these troops with fresh territorial
troops from Indonesia. It was also agreed that the number of Indonesian troops
in the territory would not exceed the strength of the Pakistan contingent of
UNSF, except with the prior consent of the UNTEA administration.
The withdrawal of the Netherlands naval and land forces from
the territory was effected in stages in accordance with a timetable agreed upon
by the Temporary Administrator, the Commander of UNSF and the
Commander-in-Chief of the Netherlands forces in the territory. By 15 November
1962, this process had been completed without incident.
The situation was generally calm throughout the period of
UNTEA. On 15 December 1962, however, two incidents involving the police and a
small group of Indonesian troops occurred in Sorong and Doom. One police
constable was killed and four wounded. Order was immediately restored by UNSF
units while the civil administration continued to perform its normal functions.
The area remained quiet for the rest of the temporary administration. In general,
the inhabitants of the territory were law-abiding and the task of maintaining
peace and security presented no problems. The United Nations Administrator had
no occasion to call on the Indonesian armed forces in that connection but only
for the purpose of occasional joint patrols with elements of the Pakistan
With regard to UNTEA's responsibility to uphold the rights
of the territory's inhabitants (as outlined in article XXII of the agreement),
the Administration ensured the free exercise of those rights by the population,
and UNTEA courts acted as their guarantor. One of UNTEA's first concerns was,
in fact, the reactivation of the entire judiciary since, with the departure of
Netherlands personnel from various judiciary organs, the administration of
justice practically came to a standstill. Once UNTEA was established, all the
vacant positions in the judicial offices were filled through recruitment of
qualified judicial officers from Indonesia.
UNTEA was also responsible for opening and closing the New
Guinea Council and for appointing new representatives to the Council, in
consultation with the Council's members. On 4 December 1962, the Council
members met in the presence of the Administrator and took their new oath of
office. The Council's Chairman and all members pledged to support loyally the
provisions of the agreement and swore allegiance to UNTEA. As it seemed
desirable that members should return to their constituencies in order to
explain personally to their constituents the new political situation of the
territory, the session was closed on 5 December, after consultation with the
During the period of UNTEA's administration, a number of
vacancies in the membership of the New Guinea Council occurred because of
resignation, departure or absence of members. At the request of the Council's
Chairman to fill some of these vacancies, the United Nations Administrator, in
conformity with article XXIII, signed appropriate decrees appointing two new
members. However, no consultation could take place with representative councils
since none existed in the districts from which the two members were appointed.
In addition to the New Guinea Council, there were 11
representative councils, known as regional councils, in the various districts.
On 14 February 1963, the Administrator opened the new regional council at
Ransiki, Manokwari, elections to which had been held in December 1962.
The United Nations Administrator also toured the territory
extensively in conjunction with article X of the agreement, which required that
UNTEA widely publicize and explain the terms of the agreement. He took part in
all public functions in order to explain personally those parts of the
agreement which related to the United Nations presence in the territory and the
changes that would take place on 1 May 1963. These efforts supplemented a
United Nations information campaign which, with the help of special features,
texts, posters and discussion groups, helped prepare the population for the
transfer of administration to Indonesia, and informed them regarding the
provisions of the agreement on the question of self-determination.
Articles XVII through XXI addressed the issue of
self-determination. The relevant clauses of the agreement required that
Indonesia make arrangements, with the assistance and participation of the
United Nations Representative and his staff, to give the people of the
territory the opportunity to exercise freedom of choice. The inhabitants were
to make the decision to "remain with Indonesia" or to "sever their
ties with Indonesia", under the auspices of a plebiscite to be held no
later than 1969.
Day-to-day problems of the territory were addressed and
handled smoothly by the civilian administration under UNTEA. In the sphere of
public health, UNTEA had to deal with an epidemic of cholera which had begun to
spread on the south-west coast of the island shortly after its administration
was established. In this, it received valuable assistance from the World Health
Organization, which provided a health team and the necessary medical supplies.
The administration was able not only to contain the epidemic within a short
period but also to declare the whole territory free of cholera. The
administration also vigorously pursued plans for establishing hospitals and clinics
in various parts of the territory.
In the economic sphere, the administration was mainly
concerned with maintaining stability and dealing with a serious unemployment
problem. Only 32 of a total of 317 Netherlands officials engaged in public
works had been willing to stay on after UNTEA's takeover. Contractors stopped
work, and gradually maintenance and repair services came to a halt. Over 3,500
men were idle. In a land where only 300,000 people (a third of the population)
were in regular contact with the administration and where skilled labour was at
a premium, this was a significant figure. With the cooperation of the
Indonesian liaison mission, UNTEA was able to reactivate work on existing
projects and draw up plans for similar projects which would be useful for the
development of the territory. Forty-five projects were completed by the end of
UNTEA, and 32 others were under construction. UNTEA was also able to keep in
check the general price level of commodities, most of which had to be imported,
and ensure adequate supplies for the population.
All costs incurred by UNTEA during its administration were
borne equally by the Netherlands and Indonesia in compliance with article XXIV
of the agreement. Consultations between the Secretariat and the representatives
of the two Governments regarding the preparation of the UNTEA budget had taken
place shortly after the agreement was signed. Later, at Hollandia/Kotabaru, a
committee composed of the representatives of the two sides met under the
chairmanship of the Deputy Controller of the United Nations and agreed on an
UNTEA budget for the period 1 October 1962 to 30 April 1963, which was
subsequently approved by the Secretary-General. As the budget committee doubted
that UNTEA would be able to collect any revenue, no estimates of income were
prepared. The Department of Finance was, however, able to collect a total of 15
million New Guinea florins by the end of the UNTEA period through taxes and
customs duties. This was credited to the final budget figure.
On 31 December 1962, the Netherlands flag was replaced by
the Indonesian flag, which was raised side by side with the United Nations
flag, as contemplated in an aide-mémoire attached to the agreement.
In the last months of 1962 and the beginning of 1963, a
number of communications from Papuan leaders and various groups in the
territory were addressed to the Secretary-General and the United Nations
Administrator requesting that the period of UNTEA administration in West Irian
be shortened. On 21 November 1962, a joint declaration by the representatives
of the New Guinea Council was transmitted to the Secretary-General asking for
the early transfer of the administration to Indonesia. A demonstration to the
same effect took place on 15 January 1963, when a petition was presented to the
Administrator by 18 political leaders from the area of Hollandia/Kotabaru.
These requests were brought to the attention of the
Secretary-General in January 1963 by Mr. Sudjarwo Tjondronegoro, head of the
Indonesian Liaison Mission to UNTEA. After consultation with the representative
of the Netherlands, the Secretary-General decided that any shortening of UNTEA
would not be feasible. However, he sent his Chef de Cabinet, Mr. C. V.
Narasimhan, in February 1963, to consult with the United Nations Administrator
and the Government of Indonesia, with a view to facilitating the entry of
Indonesian officials into the administration of West Irian in order to ensure
the continuity and expansion of all essential services. Following these
consultations, the Chef de Cabinet announced in Djakarta that the transfer of
administration would take place as scheduled on 1 May 1963, and that the
replacement of Netherlands officials by Indonesian officials would be
accelerated. By the end of March 1963, Indonesian nationals occupied the second
highest post in every administrative department in all six divisions in the
The gathering momentum of the phasing in operation was
accompanied by an encouraging development in a different sphere. The resumption
of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands was announced on
13 March 1963. Thus began a new era in the relationship between the two
countries, one which notably helped UNTEA's work as the time approached for the
transfer of authority.
In April, the Indonesian Government announced that a Papuan
member of the New Guinea Council, Mr. E. J. Bonay, would be installed on 1 May
as the first Governor of Irian Barat (the Indonesian name for West Irian). He
would be assisted by an Indonesian deputy, and the territory would be
administered as a province of the Republic of Indonesia.
The number of Indonesian officials in the Administration
towards the end of April reached 1,564, while Papuans and other indigenous
people of West Irian occupied 7,625 civil service posts. Only 11 Netherlands
officials remained; they were to leave upon the transfer of authority to
Indonesia. Stores of goods were procured to ensure adequate supplies for a
period after the transfer. Direct negotiations between the Netherlands and
Indonesia for the purchase of a number of Dutch interests proceeded smoothly.
The economy had been largely stabilized, health and education services were in
good order, and all the provisions of the agreement leading up to the transfer
of administration fully implemented.
During the last days of April, some 30 Indonesian warships
arrived in Biak and Hollandia for the ceremony, as had service squadrons of
aircraft of the Indonesian air force. The Pakistan units of UNSF began their
withdrawal to Biak, ready for embarkation; the various UNSF garrisons were
replaced by incoming Indonesian troops.
Selengkapnya :
Catatan Pengantar :
Mencermati perkembangan gejolak Papua saat ini, ternyata tidak
semata-mata dilatari kekecewaan para aktivis Papua merdeka atas
ketertinggalan pembangunan di Tanah Papua dalam berbagai aspek.
Buktinya, jika benar itu penyebabnya, mestinya dengan gencarnya
perhatian Pemerintah Pusat melalui Otonomi Khusus dan pelibat-gandaan
dana yang dikucurkan untuk membangun wilayah itu dalam 10 tahun
terakhir, gejolak itu akan hilang, atau setidaknya berkurang.
Tapi faktanya? Tuntutan merdeka dan aksi-aksi gerilyawan bersenjata
justru meningkat berbanding lurus dengan perhatian Negara dan besarnya
dana yang dikucurkan. Gerakan para aktivis Papua saat ini tidak lagi
hanya sekedar bermain di permukaan dengan aksi-aksi damai, long march,
dan demo jalanan, tetapi telah merangsek ke “akar pohon”. Yakni, gerakan
mengembalikan status politik wilayah Papua ke titik nol, lalu meminta
Untuk itu maka sejarah integrasi Papua ke dalam wilayah kedaulatan NKRI
harus digugat. Karena menurut mereka, peristiwa politik internasional
terkait integrasi Papua yang terjadi sejak tahun 1949 (Konverensi Meja
Bundar), New York Agreement 1962, PEPERA 1969 hingga Sidang Umum PBB 19
November 1969 yang menghasilkan Resolusi No. 2504 adalah ilegal, dan
karenanya harus digugat ke Mahkamah Internasional.
Untuk tujuan itu, tahun 2008 lalu mereka telah membentuk perkumpulan
pengacara internasional (International Lawyer for West Papua / ILWP)
yang bermarkas di London, menggalang dukungan parlemen dari berbagai
negara (International Parliement for West Papua / IPWP) serta
meningkatkan aktivitas gerakan di Tanah Papua melalui sayap politik
(antara lain melalui pembentukan parlemen daerah) dan sayap militer
Kita ingat, beberapa hari yang lalu di Pengadilan Negeri Jayapura,
Forkorus Yaboisembut, terdakwa kasus makar yang dipilih menjadi
‘presiden negara federasi papua barat’ oleh sebuah forum yang mereka
sebut konverensi rakyat papua-III, kepada wartawan yang meliput sidang
itu mengatakan bahwa dirinya memiliki 35 pengacara dalam dan luar
negeri. Di antaranya ada enam pengacara internasional yang bermarkas di
Brussel. Tugas pengacara internasional itu adalah memberitahukan dan
mendaftarkan negara Federal Republik Papua Barat (yang diproklamirkan
oleh Forkorus dkk pada 19 Oktober 2011 itu) ke PBB, serta menggugat
aneksasi negeri Papua Barat ke Mahkamah Internasional.
tidak tahu dokumen sejarah mana yang akan mereka gunakan untuk
mendukung dalil hukum mereka di Mahkamah Internasional kelak. Namun
sebagai bangsa, kita percaya bahwa Pemerintah Negeri ini dengan semua
perangkat yang dimilikinya, tidak akan tinggal diam untuk menjaga
KEDAULATAN wilayah NKRI dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari Talaud sampau
ke Rote. Bagi kita, bergabungnya wilayah Papua ke dalam NKRI adalah
melalui proses integrasi yang demokratis serta sudah sesuai mekanisme
hukum internasional yang berlaku saat itu. Dan itu sama sekali jauh
berbeda dengan apa yang mereka tuduhkan sebagai aneksasi.
Agar kita tidak terjebak dalam skenario “bualan politik” para aktivis
Papua, berikut ini saya bagikan dokumen resmi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
tentang sejarah integrasi (bukan sejarah aneksasi) Papua ke dalam NKRI,
yang saya copas dari situs resmi PBB :
Mengingat panjangnya dokumen tersebut, saya akan turunkan secara
bertahap sebagai bahan referensi para Kompasianer, sekaligus untuk
menjaga semangat nasionalisme kita sebagai sebuah bangsa yang sudah 67
tahun berdaulat yang bernama Republik Indonesia.
Selengkapnya :
Selengkapnya :
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